miércoles, 26 de abril de 2017

from Lander to Mirentxu

Lander´s flight saw by his brother Kai

Carta fenomenal de Lander a Mirentxu defendiendo su punto de vista.

¨On the evening / night of March the twentieth something terrible happened with me my sister and my mum. What happened was, we were all having dinner at the dinner table and then suddenly my sister asked me to watch out for one of her homemade slimes that was lying there on the table, so I picked it up and put it on the shelf that was next to me; my sister actually thought that I had forcefully thrown the homemade slime on to the floor (she did not like the idea of this because the slime is supposed to stick to surfaces like the carpet) but she was mistaken because I put it on the shelf as I said in the last sentence you have just read on this rainy day of March, so she got extremely angry and decided to scream and yell at me which I did not like, so she looked on the floor and NOT on the shelf, because she thought that it was on the floor, and started to yell even more at me but I exclaimed that it was on the shelf but she did not believe me so she viciously attacked me with a hurling fist in the direction of my left upper back so I was instantly enraged and I decided to SOFTLY hit her back, in which she let out jolty, shrieks of despair as I left the room extremely angrily and roughly 10 – 20 vulgar words slipped out whilst I was exiting the room and at this point my mother walked into the room and told me that I am writing about the wrong thing….

Anyway, I will proceed to talk about what respect means to me. Respect can mean many different things under different circumstances, but this is the dictionary definition of respect, respect
a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
"the director had a lot of respect for Douglas as an actor"
synonyms: esteem, regard, high regard, high opinion, acclaim, admiration, approbation, approval, appreciation, estimation, favour, popularity, recognition, veneration, awe, reverence, deference, honour, praise, homage
"the respect due to a great artist"

due regard for the feelings, wishes, or rights of others.
"young people's lack of respect for their parents"
synonyms: due regard, consideration, thoughtfulness, attentiveness, politeness, courtesy, civility, deference
"he speaks to the old lady with respect"

In my circumstance we will be talking about number 2. The meaning of respect to me is that one must treat another fairly and to be sensitive about what you do or say, which I did not do on the day of the incident. Hopefully this is the last time something like this will ever happen, but if it does, I will make sure and try my best to keep calm and most importantly have respect for the other people in the room and also for the person I am getting angry at, sorry mum, and Aiala".

Happy Birthday Aiala Iseabail ! April the 26th 2017

Aiala, Kai, Lander and Mirentxu,  their precious mother

From Lord Byron to you , Aiala !

She Walks in Beauty


She walks in beauty, like the night 
   Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that’s best of dark and bright 
   Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellowed to that tender light 
   Which heaven to gaudy day denies.


One shade the more, one ray the less, 
   Had half impaired the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven tress, 
   Or softly lightens o’er her face;
Where thoughts serenely sweet express 
   How pure, how dear their dwelling place.


And on that cheek, and o’er that brow, 
   So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
The smiles that win, the tints that glow, 
   But tell of days in goodness spent,
A mind at peace with all below, 
   A heart whose love is innocent!

martes, 25 de abril de 2017

Un perfume de sal

Es tarde esta noche en la cama, muy tarde. Falta poco para que amanezca sin haber soñado. No quiero abrir los ojos. El fino algodón de las sabanas entibia la piel desnuda . La niebla púdica no mira. Hacia dentro busco la ingravidez primigenia, sus recovecos zigzagueando en el ser impenetrable del alma. Me levanto y corro antes del alba por St. James bajando como una sombra de mí misma hasta la playa de piedras doradas a los pies de casa en Brighton. La noria duerme sielnciosa, vacía.
Chapoteo en el agua fría de la marea alta que azota la estructura de hierro oxidada por la sal , y cubierta de verdín, enclavada en el romántico corazón del Pier. Es una hora indefinida como ocurre en los sueños cuando el tiempo no importa y solo es mero elemento secundario.
Contemplo las olas de verde profundo que desde la costa de Normandía tratan de llegar enteras a la playa.
Rodeada de gaviotas juego envuelta en perfume de sal y de espuma.

sábado, 1 de abril de 2017

Dicen Los cazadores de estrellas que ...

Ogoño, de Pedro Zarrabeitia

El peñón de Ogoño surge  de lo más profundo del Cantábrico. 
Un  abismo que mira a la mar desde el cielo, desde sus cavernas y laberintos donde las olas rompen y protegen la fortaleza de roca milenaria
Dicen Los cazadores de estrellas de Izaro y Errandosolo que Piratas y Lamias se disputan el trono de Ogoño desde que se enfrió el planeta.
Cuentan que en el fondo de la mar donde nadie, salvo ellos llegan, hay un castillo de coral, paredes  tapizadas de piedras preciosas y algas de caprichosos colores,  donde abundan percebes, ostras, lapas y  magurios para hacer grandes festines.  

La mar en Ogoño es azul-negra, más negra que azul,  muy densa.

Una vez en Madalenas, me eché al agua de cabeza desde la embarcación, allí mismo, quería presumir de valiente, hacer una gracia y fue pavorosa la zambullida. Tuve  la sensación  de que algo  me arrastraba hasta el fondo de todos los fondos para  llevarme al abismo de la mar.   Salí de estampida. 

Desde el balcón de los piratas en casa a buen recaudo,  Ogoño hipnotiza con su belleza hecha de luz y de penumbra. 


“ tête à tête “ con Nelson Villagra Garrido para La Revista CineCubano

Nelson Villagra Garrido  ( El Conde ) en  La Última Cena,  de Tomás Gutiérrez-Alea Tomás Gutiérrez-Alea  Nelson Villagra Garrido es chillane...